quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2010

Trip around me

Me and my travels. Always ready for a new one. Always feeling the prints they left.
All around myself I have the remembrance of each situation and with whom I was at that moment.
All over these years, all over the trips, all over me.
On planes, ships, yatches, trains, buses, cars, bicycles, motos, or walking...
The trip around me begins... on my mind.
Then I take care of the luggage and I´m ready for the world...
So many takings off and landings!
Ready?  Of course!!!!!!!!!! The trip starts again!!!!!!!

Um comentário:

  1. Oi Mercedes!

    Acho que eu sou viajante como você! Concordo, as viagens começam na nossa cabeça, nos nossos sonhos...o mais gostoso é quando eles se tornam realidade!

